Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Misplaced Anger

So, as I'm trolling my news feed on Facebook...I come across this story about a woman that is sneaking around with a married man......

Now, I don't condone it, but, my beef is that the women responding to the story are shaming the woman for having the affair.

My question is this....Why are we, as women, so quick to decide that it's all the "other woman's" fault?  Why are we so quick to assume that the other woman is some magical temptress with super powers of desire and that our cheating husbands or boyfriends are blameless in the situation.  I know that in situations like this you want someone to blame, but, shouldn't the blame first go to the person that decided to cheat? I am not saying that the woman is totally without blame.  Especially in the circumstance that this woman was in.  She knew he was married and allowed the interaction anyway, so, she has blame in the situation too.  However, there was even a woman posting on this thread saying that she would physically assault this woman if she were the wife.  Why fight for a relationship and a man that you obviously had no value or importance to?  Why is it always the "other woman's" fault or the "other man's" fault?  The blame for being a "homewrecker" should go on the shoulders of the person that initially wrecked the home.  The person that actually wrecked the home is the person that chose to cheat.  Stop misplacing your anger.  If you're angry with someone, direct the anger at them.  If you hold no value to someone, move along.  If he or she is cheating on you, you hold no value to them.  Value yourself more.  Move on.    That's all for now.

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