Sunday, December 29, 2013

Judgey McJudgerson

Hello Interwebs,
Have a little break from the real world for a bit, so, I thought I'd drop by and speak my piece on judging.  We all do it.  At one point or another, we have seen something or heard something that made us say to ourselves that "they're doing it wrong."  Or, "they're doing it right."  As a parent, I find myself having little moments of "Man, I'm not such a bad mom after all."  But even that is judgement.  It takes all kinds of kinds to make this world go round, so, why judge?

I, for one, think it is in our nature to see something different and assess its difference for ourselves.  What we do with that information is what is important.  Do you see something that is different and say, "That's not the right way, but, maybe they're just having a tough time."  Or do you say "That's not the right way, and they're a jerk for doing that."  I am personally very adamant in my beliefs, so it is harder for me to just accept that everyone doesn't think like me.  However, I know that my way of thinking is different, so, knowing that there are other points of view is in my nature.  I may not always accept other's beliefs or ways of doing things, but, I respect their right to do and say as they like.  I may not always live my life without judging other people, but, I try my best to have an internal dialogue about my thoughts before I form an opinion on things.  I can see a mother out, losing her shit, and say to myself "She needs to calm down," but, I can also say "Maybe she's been having a day like I had a couple days ago."  To assume that every person everywhere is judging you is a little narcissistic, but, that doesn't mean that it isn't happening. Because let's face, as you're reading this blog post, you've probably passed judgement on 37 other things.  For instance, Phil Robertson's words, or Beyonce's hair, or Miley Cyrus's tongue....

Everyone is fighting their own battles every day.  Some days are better than others.  That does not, however, mean that you seeing one person at a bad moment means that they are a bad person.  Sometimes it is really just a bad moment in a particularly bad day.  Sometimes they really are bad people, but, that is, generally speaking, not information that you would be privy to.  So the next time you see a frazzled mother snapping at her kids, feel free to point your finger of judgement, but, take the time to discount your own frivolous opinion because you don't know what that person is like when they're at home.  Maybe she was just having a particularly bad moment in a garbage kind of day.  We all have bad moments.  We all have bad days.  There is no person who has their poop completely in a group.  So, point your finger and make your judgment.  I can take it.  Just know that, at some point, there will be a finger pointed at you.  Know that the person you are judging could have had some massively stressful, migraine inducing moment that day.  Feel free to judge and form opinions, but, be responsible enough to not put yourself on a pedestal for too long.  Someday, that frazzled mom(or dad)could be you.  Judge responsibly.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Misplaced Anger

So, as I'm trolling my news feed on Facebook...I come across this story about a woman that is sneaking around with a married man......

Now, I don't condone it, but, my beef is that the women responding to the story are shaming the woman for having the affair.

My question is this....Why are we, as women, so quick to decide that it's all the "other woman's" fault?  Why are we so quick to assume that the other woman is some magical temptress with super powers of desire and that our cheating husbands or boyfriends are blameless in the situation.  I know that in situations like this you want someone to blame, but, shouldn't the blame first go to the person that decided to cheat? I am not saying that the woman is totally without blame.  Especially in the circumstance that this woman was in.  She knew he was married and allowed the interaction anyway, so, she has blame in the situation too.  However, there was even a woman posting on this thread saying that she would physically assault this woman if she were the wife.  Why fight for a relationship and a man that you obviously had no value or importance to?  Why is it always the "other woman's" fault or the "other man's" fault?  The blame for being a "homewrecker" should go on the shoulders of the person that initially wrecked the home.  The person that actually wrecked the home is the person that chose to cheat.  Stop misplacing your anger.  If you're angry with someone, direct the anger at them.  If you hold no value to someone, move along.  If he or she is cheating on you, you hold no value to them.  Value yourself more.  Move on.    That's all for now.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

To Be or Not To Be....Religious.

Hello all.  So, I have been thinking a lot lately about religion.  It is a slippery slope, I suppose.  A slope that could lead to heated debate and anger, but, I am going to chime in with my opinion and what I believe to be true.

With that said, I am a "nature and science" type person.  If I were going to put myself in a religion box, it would most likely be Wiccan.  However, I am a deep believer in Science and Logic.  On the religious side of things, I have none.  I have never had a religion.  I wasn't forced into a religion by my parents.  I truly believe that they wanted me to believe whatever I wanted to believe.  Even if, at the end of the day, that meant I was an Atheist that didn't believe in a God at all.  They wanted it to be my choice.  I have a son now and I too, want it to be his choice.  I don't want him to be forced to make decisions about his soul until he has the potential to understand what religion is.  I want him to believe what makes sense to him.  

Having said this, I will now say that I am, in fact, a believer.  However, that does not mean I have a blind faith, or that I follow scripture or even truly believe the Bible to be a good reference point for my life.  I still believe that Science and Logic should be used when practicing your "faith."  Science allows for ALL possibilities.  In my experience, faith is not always so limitless.  Perhaps, that is the wrong wording.  Faith, itself, can be limitless, but, religion perhaps not.  I know that not all religions are the same.  I also know that not all practitioners are the same.  However, History shows that there are a lot more people that believe religion to be a thing of absolutes than a fluid, liquid thing.  I believe that, according to Science and Biology, there has to be a male, God, and a female, Goddess.  That's just how it works.  Men can't make people by themselves.  IF the "Eve came from Adam's rib" story was true, it would, in fact be, Adam and Steve.  If a person was made from Adam's rib, it would have to be another male.  Scientifically speaking, you can clone people, well things, but, they are exact copies of the original.  If I took a rib out to make a person, that person would be a copy of me in it's entirety.  It would not be a male copy of me.

Now most of the reason the religious debate has been running rampant through my head is that the father of my child, the man I hope to marry, is Catholic.  In order for me, an unbaptized heathen, to be able to marry him without him giving up his rights as a Catholic, our marriage has to receive the blessing of the Church.  I felt like I should write my thoughts down a bit before I had to tell the Father about my stance.  My beliefs are slightly less than traditional, especially where a Catholic priest would be involved.  I believe in God, but I also in Goddess.  I believe that there has to be both, because without one there can't be the other.  I believe it is necessary to balance all things.  Without Light, there can't be Dark.  Without Famine, there can't be Feast. I believe that it is important to teach love.  I believe it is important to teach acceptance.  I believe it is important to do no harm.   I believe it is important to have kindness.  I believe it is important to be good and do good.  I don't believe it matters what "team" you play for.  I don't believe you have to be baptized to get into Heaven.  I believe that if there is a Heaven and you are a kind, loving, decent person then, you're in.  I will also say that the "being kind" bit is something that my Mamaw instilled in me.  She had no active religion, but, she taught me to be kind to everyone because "you never know who could be Jesus."  It's silly, but, it's true.  I believe that if we are judged, it is by the actions that nobody else really sees.  We are judged by the people we are "at home."  Not the people we pretend to be at work, or in church.  Let's face it, everyone is on their best behavior in church.  The same guy that gambled away their child's college tuition is a saint in the church.  The same woman that cheats on her husband while he's away...yeah...she's a saint at church.  That person that cussed at homeless person....they're all there...gleaming in their holiness at church.

The true answer to my question of faith, for me, is no.  Religion scares the shit out of me.  There have so many terrible, awful, unspeakable things done in the name of religion.  So, why would I want to be on the side of anyone or anything that has caused so much devastation?  The truth is, I don't.  I don't want to sign my soul away to an organization that perpetrated so much violence for their cause.  The truth of the matter is that God and Goddess are ALL things.  THEY are everywhere.  They aren't just in church.  They are in the cool air after a sweltering heat.  They are in the rain after a drought.  They are in the laugh of my son.  They are in the light of his eyes.  They are in me, so, I don't NEED to be on any one religion's "side."  Religion, all religion, is based on a book(or a version of)written by Man thousands of  years ago.  That book doesn't have all the answers.  That book was meant to be read by people that aren't as smart as we are now.  We know SO much now, why does this book that was written all these years ago have to be the ONLY explanation for things?  There are no dinosaurs in the Bible, and yet, we know they existed because we have their bones as proof.  Thousands of years ago, we KNEW the Earth was flat.  Today we KNOW that isn't true.  Thousands of years ago we KNEW that God created Man.  Today we know that might not be true, at least not Man as we are today.  Our genetic code is so similar to everything else that Darwin's theory of Evolution makes sense.  If we aren't evolved from the same source, then how can our code be so similar to everything else?  The Big Bang theory makes sense to me.  BOOM!  And there was a speck of life.  That life turned into more lives.  Each of those lives because one version of something, and then another, and then another, all based on need.  If evolution didn't exist....we would all be fish.  There wouldn't be people because the Earth was mostly water for so much time.  We evolved to things that crawled because we needed to.  We evolved to things that walked because we needed to.  Nature works in terms of need.

That may go against some of my other beliefs, but, I can accept that all my beliefs don't agree.  I don't believe in Adam and Eve.  I believe in God AND Goddess.  I believe that Jesus existed and he was persecuted and he died because no one believed what he wanted to teach.  I believe that he was a beautiful human being and that some of his "followers" could stand to be more like him.  I believe that you can't have two faces.  I don't believe that there HAS to be a Heaven for me to do good, be good, and put good into the Universe.  I believe that it just the right thing to do.  I believe that I can judge no one for their sins and transgressions because I have my own.

At the end of all this...I believe I have answered my own question.  Not to be.  Not all religious people are awful, hateful, judgmental people.  Some of them are just religious.  I don't think it is wrong to have a religion.  I just don't want one.  Religions are mostly awful.  Most, in their own right, have done terrible things in the name of their specific religion.  Just because someone doesn't believe exactly the way you do doesn't mean they are wrong.  It means that their faith moves them in a different direction.  Just the fact that there ARE so many religions would lead me to believe that there has always been at least a few folks that disagreed with one set of beliefs somewhere along the way.  So, how can any one religion be better than another?   This is especially true for all forms of the Christian religions.  If there is, in fact, only God in the Christian religion, why are there so many different sects?  Shouldn't there be just one church?  One god. One church.  But, there are hundreds of sects of Christianity, so, who's wrong?  Who's right? None of them if their religion and their teachings are more important than being kind and good.

Be good.  Be kind.  Keep your soul for yourself until it's time for you to give it back.  Because I also believe that maybe if you give your soul over to a soul inherits all the wrong-doing of that religion.  Your soul becomes forever tainted by the actions and misdeeds of the people before you.  Love everyone.  Even the people you hate.  Love them, just a little.  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Get OVER it, already.

Ok, so, this is gonna be a little bit of a rant.  All of the posts that I follow on Facebook....I find myself hiding more and more things everyday.  Even the stuff that I truly believe in, like being pro-choice and being pro-same sex marriage rights.  I am very liberal.  However, I think that there are just so many things that we should just get over.  If you are against abortion, don't have one.  Plain and simple.  I don't personally think an abortion should be something that you do over and over and use as birth control, because, let's face's not birth control because there is already multiple forms of birth control available on the market for our use.  It's not like it was in the 50's and 60's where birth control and condoms weren't readily available.  However, it is not my choice to make.  I have made that choice. I was 19.  I was unemployed.  I lived with my mother.  The man that was the father was not a good anything.  He drank, a lot.  He put his hands on me, more than once.  So, why would I want to bring a child into that situation?  At any rate, it's not for me to say that someone else can't make that choice.  And it's not for you, either.  If you don't like it, that's fine, but, it's not up to you to make it illegal for someone else.  It's none of your business, so, get over it.  And all of these people out there mouthing off about gay marriage being against the Bible, or against God's law.  That book also says that it isn't for you to judge.  The bible says that the only judge is God, so, if they are sinning and are going against God's law, their judgement will be had on their day.  It's none of you business.  Get over it. A gay couple getting married WILL NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT affect your heterosexual marriage.  Also, the weapon of choice is Leviticus.  And that book, folks, is in the Old Testament.  Which has since been replaced with the New Testament.  The Old Testament is not supposed to be the way we live anymore.  Gay marriage is no different a civil right than removing the division between african americans and caucasian people.  It wasn't all that long ago that my best friend and I would never have met because she is half black.  She might never have been because her parents were an interracial couple....if there hadn't been a HUGE civil rights movement to remove that separation, my best friend might never have been born.  What I'm trying to say is that we are huge melting pot here in America if we would just melt a little.  We spend so much time hating each other's differences that we miss each other's wonderful similarities.  We are all HUMAN.  We all love.  We all bleed.  We all cry.  And we are all going to die.  Constantly fighting each other and spreading hate will only alienate us.  Hating someone because their skin isn't the same color, or because they are gay is like hating someone because they're tall....or blonde....or have green eyes.  None of these things are choices.  For all of you that think being gay is a choice, think about when you chose to be straight.  Oh, you can't pinpoint it?  Yeah, that's because it isn't a choice.So the moral of the story is, some people are gay.  Some people are straight.  Some people have brown skin.  Some people have peach skin.  Some people even have yellow skin.  Get over it.  Because if you did, you wouldn't have to hate so much and waste so much energy hating people and things that could care less if you do.  You are missing the person that could be your one true love, or your best friend.  You are missing things.  They are not.  Because while are you wasting your energy hating them, they are having wonderful lives with people that love them.

Get over it.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gearing up.

Ok, this one is gonna be lighthearted.  I just have to say that I cannot WAIT for summer.  I am psyched for shorts and swimming.  I have already picked out my new bathing suit, and, it is awesome if I do say so myself.  And, at only $30, it's a steal.  And it's from Walmart!  Who knew?  There is a link attached to Walmart, so you can check it out for yourselves!

 It comes in 2 solid colors and 2 super cute retro prints.  (I am going with the anchors.)It has a cute, fun, feminine ruffle on the top, a simple rectangular neckline, and ruching on the side.  I am sort of obsessed with things that remind me of days gone by.  However, I wouldn't say that I really fit into that, sort of, rock-a-billy/pin-up aesthetic.  I like it, but, only in little bits and bobs. (at least for my personal wearing pleasure, I LOVE to look at girls all decked out in the pin-up style.)  I am also obsessed with dresses in the summer, because let's face it...sometimes you need to air out the cookie.  So, a new site that I have discovered is eShakti .  This site offers SO many customizations that it will blow your mind.  They have extended sizing, length options, and sleeve options.  The prices aren't ridiculous either.  It is a little pricey, but, it is reasonable for a dress in a plus size.  The tops are a little more heavily priced, but, still very good selection.  Everything has a little bit of a June Cleaver flavor, so, if you are into that sort of thing, this is the site for you.  Old Navy has a great selection of plus sized apparel, and H&M is good for trendy plus sized clothes.  Target is also getting in the plus sized groove with their new selections.  Some of which are both a great deal, and, really cute and on trend.  So many stores are finally realizing that we fat women actually have fashion sense.  We do actually prefer clothes that have a shape...and we don't sit around the house all day in Mu-Mus.  Another store that offers cute deals is Forever 21.  They also have a plus size line now!   So, go forth and shop, my lovelies!  I wanna see those legs!  Summer is here.  Let em have it!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Grow Up.

Ok, I'm gonna bitch for a minute.  I am sick and tired of seeing people complaining about how much debt you're going to be in to go to college.

Having said that, the interest rates are ridiculous and there should be more regulation on it.  For instance, I have a Sallie Mae loan for one class.  I borrowed $2,000 for the class.  When it is finally paid for it's going to cost me twice that to pay it off.  That's just one class.  Also, because they aren't really federally regulated student loans....there is no cap on the interest they can charge AND they can change the interest rate whenever they want without telling me. So,essentially, a small $2,000 loan could end up costing whatever Sallie Mae wants to collect on it.

Do I think that the cost of an education is ridiculous?  Yes.  Do I think that the interests rates should be ridiculously low so that EVERYONE can go back to school?  Yes.  Do I think that people that make the choice to go back to college should have some accountability for that decision?  Yes.  There is no such thing as a free-ride for a college education unless you are an insanely talented athlete or a super genius, which, most of us aren't.  So, have some friggin' accountability.  If you don't take the time to shop around and find the best rate on the best terms, THAT'S YOUR BAD.

So, should college be cheaper, thereby making it more accessible to everyone, thus creating a more viable workforce?  Absolutely.  Should we, as adults, not have to have any responsibility for the choices WE make?  No.  I am 31, and my education is important because I want a better future for myself and my son.  It is also going to be very expensive.  However, I knew it was going to be expensive BEFORE I signed the paperwork.  If you don't understand most of your financing, you probably shouldn't go to college.

That is all.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Just. Stop.

Hello all.  

Okay, so, here is something that has been on my mind a lot lately.  It has also been in the press a lot lately.  This is the issue of shaming other people.  Most recently, it has been in the media because of the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch.  He doesn't want people that are "uncool" to shop in his stores.  He also doesn't offer plus size clothing options, because, obviously we fat chicks are uncool.  I could say that it doesn't matter to me because his face looks like his neck threw up.  However, that would be in direct opposition to my point.  

I think that our biggest goal in life should not be to look like a model, or a celebrity.  It should be to look like "that" girl.  That girl that I want to know.  That girl behind the glasses has a story.  She is going to be the president, or a doctor, or a famous musician and you will never have known her because she's "uncool."  That guy that sits alone at lunch, he's going to be our next great novelist, or and extraordinary artist or an amazing CEO.  Just because he's quiet and a loner, you will never know how amazing he is.  I wasn't raised that way.  I was raised in a home that was extraordinarily loving.  I was never put down or told that I was too fat, or too plain.  I was told everyday that I was smart.  That I was beautiful.  That I was funny.  I am trying to teach my child these values.  We live in a society that tells us that fat is ugly.  Books are uncool.  It isn't hip to dance to the beat of your own drum.  When I was in high school, where the Mean Girls/Boys live most often, I had at least one friend from every single clique-y group you could think of.  Most of my favorite friends are still my friends, and, guess what?  They aren't any different.  They are still the quirky bunch of cooks that I chose for my friends all those years ago.  And you know what else, they are all beautiful for their own various reasons.  They have all become more wonderful versions of themselves.  

I think that is what true beauty is.  It is all well and good to have a pretty face to look at, or, a great figure to make others swoon, but, it's all for nothing if you're an ugly person inside.  If you make yourself feel better by tearing someone else down, then it doesn't matter how pretty your face is.  Alienating others won't make you better.  For me, as a woman, I think it is very important for all of us to stick together more than we do.  There just doesn't seem to a sense of solidarity among women.  We view each other as competition instead of equals.  I think that we should all stop shaming each other, but, my biggest problem is between us women.  We are all beautiful in our own way.  Fat, thin, short, tall, brown, black, white, or blue.  Even women that weren't born women.  Stop fighting with each other.  Stop tearing each other down.  Be proud of what you are and don't look to others for what you aren't.  I am smart.  I am funny.  I am a good mother.  I am a hard working student.  I am honest.  I am not a size 2.  I will never be.  I am happy with the gray in my hair and the wrinkles by eyes.  I am happy in the knowledge that I love and am loved.  I do not concern my daily outlook on life on whether I can wear an overpriced pair of shorts, or, shop at the "trendy" stores.  I am me, not perfect, but, glad to have what I have.  Frankly, if I have $20 in my pocket, you can find me at the thrift shop, and, not the high priced trend store.  

That's all for now.  

Be kind to each other.  That person you said that nastiness about is a person just like you.  

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello again, 
So today it's going to be another rant.  This is another example of something that really gets underneath my skin.  Number 1, in the United States, we have no national language.  Does everyone know why?  Because we are a nation of immigrants.  That is how we started.  That is how we are.  Number 2, if you are going to spout this crap, at least make sure you are not making a mockery of our language by misspelling it and making yourself look like a bigger idiot.  L A N G U A G E.  That is how that word is spelled, dickhead.  While English is our primary language, if you were going to visit, or even live, in another country, you would not be expected learn that language.  You probably wouldn't get very far, but, I'm sure you would be hard pressed to find a car rolling around France that says "This is France. Our only language is French."  

Just so we're all aware, I am grateful to live in this country, but, our country was founded by people looking to escape tyranny, not to make it an exclusive club for our right-wing conservative asses.  I live in a city where I, as a white person, am the third minority.  And you know what, I think that is wonderful.  I think it is wonderful that I live in a country that is so diverse. However, it is a shame that we do not celebrate our diversity, but rather claim so many ethnocentric ways that it disgusts me.  

You are no better than anyone because you are white and speak English.  That person that you are objectifying, yeah, he works 3 jobs doing things that you are too good to do so he can feed his family.  Get over yourself because I'm sure the Native Americans that we stole this land from would like to have a conversation with you about your English.  

Until next time. =]

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sneakin' Around With You.....

Hello again.
So, as I previously stated, my significant other and I are living separate.  However, we are trying very hard to make our relationship successful still.  We do not have much time together to just be alone, so, we have started taking nights out together at various hotels.  It is nice to have time together, but, it feels sort of like we are having an affair with each other.  I suppose that adds a little spice to the encounters, but, it feels a little cheap, but not necessarily in a bad way.  

Now, having said that, I am not ungrateful for the time and even with the little bit of trashy, it's very nice.  We never really took the time to "date" at the beginning of our relationship.  I was not really a person to date people anyway.  I was either just having sex with someone, or, in a relationship with someone.  There was never much of a dating scene for me.  This was my personal preference.  When I was young and in high school, school was my priority, so I dated no one.  I had zero boyfriends in my three years of high school.  Now, don't get it twisted....I am a chubby and have always been, but, the boys were a-knockin'....I just didn't give a shit.  I was worried about getting good grades, art, and graduation.  So, after high school, I started being active with my sexuality.  But, that's all it ever really was for me.  It was either sex or a relationship.  I have never really "dated" anyone.  So, it's very romantic to have this man( who has already been here for 7 years, that has already seen my worst, and been there to witness the birth of our son.)woo me.  It is nice to get picked up and taken out.  It is wonderful to have those little texts that just say "I love you" or "You're so beautiful."  

Before this separation, I think we were on the brink of breaking up.  At least, from my side of it we were.  However, with the time apart, he has made a place for me in his life.  I feel important, and loved, and wanted, and beautiful.  Those things were really getting lost before this separation.  I have grown to realize in these months that this man, with all of his faults, is someone that accepts all of my faults and still wants me to be a part of his life.  That still wants me to be his wife.  That still loves me, even when I am pissed off at him.  I have figured out that we are not perfect, but, we are perfect for each other because we are each other's balancing characteristics.  He is kind of a jester, and, I am the stiff.  He is the lax where I am the rigid.  He is the slob where I am the neat freak.  So, with the separation, I have found that I miss his companionship. I miss him.  I figured out that this person is my person.  Now, go find yours.  My Bubba has said that it isn't the goal to be blissfully happy all the time, but, to be mostly happy most of the time.  I think that is the best relationship advice I have ever received because as young women, we are inundated with "happily ever after."  I, as an adult, have come to realize that "happily ever after" really is a fairy tale, and, the real romance we should be looking for is "mostly happily ever after."  

The end.  =]

Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's Me Again, Margaret.

Hello again, 
As previously stated, I am 31 years old.  Yes, old.  It gets under my skin when people announce their age as "blah-blah years young."  I know, seems a silly thing to be irritated with,but, we grow older chronologically, not younger.  I don't care if you are 40 years old and feel like you are 20, you are 40 years OLD, not, young.  It is a shame that we are so obsessed with staying young and trying to live forever.  I know that I will not live forever, and, frankly unless all the people I loved were going to live forever too, I wouldn't want to.  I think that we need to focus more on expending energy making our moments wonderful and as full as possible than spending time worrying about getting older.  When I look in the mirror, there are quite a few more grey hairs than there were 10 years ago.  There are more lines and wrinkles that there used to be.  However, I know that with those grey hairs and little lines came life experiences.  I know that those lines around my mouth have deepened the most in the last 5 years because I got to become a mother.  I also know that some of the furrows in my brow came from the same place.  Because it doesn't matter what anyone says about being a mother.  It is the hardest job that I have ever had to do.  It is a test everyday.  My Bean drives me crazy, but, I love him more than I have ever loved anything in the whole wide world.  His father and I are going through a rough time right now.  And that is contributing to more grey hair, but, we are also both growing in our relationship from it.  We are living in separate houses, but, we are still living our lives together.  In the time that we have been apart I have realized that I do not want to live the rest of my life without this man.

So, for now, I'll leave you with these words.....

Love each other and live every moment to the fullest.  

Hello Interwebs, It's Me.

Hello all.  This is my first blog...ever.  I am 31 years old.  I have a 5 year old son.  I am a student, and, a stay at home mom. I have decided to do the blog because I feel like I am in a rut and need an outlet.  So, I will randomly post my rants and raves for anyone here that might be interested.  It is a bit pretentious, I suppose, to assume that anyone that doesn't know me personally would want to read my drivel.  However, I find myself pretty entertaining and too much of a coward to try to write a book.  So, I will start small and write a blog.  Hopefully it will make a random stranger laugh, or cry, or agree, or disagree.  My only desires with the blog are to get the thoughts out of my head, and, perhaps move someone else.  That's all for now, blogger type people.  

Until we meet again.